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Hyperledger Requirements and Adoption Bottlenecks in Finance and Real Estate

Date: 6/23/2016

Blockchain awareness may be on the rise, but there are still some major hurdles left before widespread adoption can start in industries, not just IT.


Renat Khasanshyn, CEO at Altoros, led a fireside chat discussion about the requirements and adoption bottlenecks for blockchain in real estate and finance.

The speakers included Blockchain Clearing’s CEO Ryan Singer, ACERRO’s CFO David J. Howie, and Blockchain Capital’s Venture Captalist Jeremy Gardner.


The event was hosted by the University of San Francisco’s School of Management.


Clearing up the blockchain confusion

Renat begins the discussion by asking each of the speakers about their individual experiences with blockchain technology.

“I’ve only been involved with open source since 2002,” says Ryan Singer. “Looking at what clients have been talking about, there’s a lot of confusion among everybody about what blockchain is and why they want to have a blockchain strategy and what it means to have a blockchain strategy.”

“I feel like a lot of this confusion has deliberately been encouraged by the press.”
—Ryan Singer, CEO, Blockchain Clearing

Ryan explains his statement by going back to the very origin of blockchain, which is Bitcoin.

When Satoshi Nakamoto, creator of Bitcoin, released the white paper, it “introduced Bitcoin as an e-money system with the blockchain concept as a way to be able to tell what can be for what and then choose blocks as the way to order transactions.”

If you search the Bitcoin white paper for the term blockchain the way it’s commonly styled with no space, you’re not going to find it.” —Ryan Singer, CEO, Blockchain Clearing

Ryan adds to the explanation further with an analogy between the creation of DNS and the creation of blockchain stating, “I like describing it like BIND in DNS, where DNS was not a thing people designed. People designed BIND, a software for being able to resolve the differences in IP addresses and DNS emerged as a standard in the same way that ‘IBM compatible’ emerged as a standard.”

“If your software could interact with BIND then it was good enough for DNS. In a lot of ways, if your software can interact with Bitcoin Core then it was good enough for Bitcoin which a lot of people call the blockchain,” says Ryan. “There was never a technical standard first. The press, in their attempt to run away from Bitcoin as fast as possible, have created a false myth that has basically penetrated everybody who says they want a blockchain strategy that doesn’t allow Bitcoin to transact with it.”

Blockchain in real estate


Renat follows up on the initial experience thread with David J. Howie and how blockchain technology factors in or can be a factor in real estate.

“I’ve been following the blockchain space for a little bit now so I’m still learning,” says David. “How I can kind of see it trickling into my industry is that [real estate] is highly regulated.

In real estate, there’s not just one license you need to have to be able to practice. You have to have a license if you want to practice in a particular jurisdiction. You have to have a license if you want to practice in multiple areas within a state.

“There’s a lot of inefficiencies in that area alone,” explains David. “There’s actually a movement going on right now where the National Association of Realtors is trying to form one centralized MLS (Multiple Listing Service).”

“Right now, there’s about 700 MLS which is crazy. I see a lot of blockchain applications in there.” —David J. Howie, CFO, ACERRO

Another area in real estate that could use blockchain is in the title insurance business, “where 12B USD was spent in the US alone.”

“Essentially what you’re paying for is the labor and the research making sure there is no fraud in your chain of title and that the person who’s conveying the title to you and selling the property is actually able to do that,” says David. “I think the blockchain is definitely an interesting use case.”

Early stumbles for blockchain

Asked the same question, Jeremy Gardner relayed his experience with blockchain.

“I was one of the first people who thought the blockchain was really going to captivate people and sure enough that’s really the evolution we’ve seen because it enables more than just money,” says Jeremy. “As Ryan said, that was never the original intention—the word blockchain never shows in the original white paper. I think this is a healthy evolution.

“There’s going to be a lot of stumbling early on as people start to play around with this technology.” —Jeremy Gardner, Venture Capitalist, Blockchain Capital

Jeremy points out that the top companies aren’t that far ahead when it comes to blockchain technology. “We talk to Fortune 100 companies all the time and they don’t really know [what’s going on] and that’s fine. They’re going to learn, but I think at the end of the day, we’re going to find that the use cases for the blockchain are slightly more limited than we think they are now and in other ways it’s going to be far more expansive as we dig deeper into the technology.”

Requirements for blockchain use cases

Moving on to use case requirements, Renat asks the group regarding their take on rules or formulae that would apply to potential blockchain use cases.

  • Blockchain solutions need to be 10x better than the current solution in the world of venture capital.

  • Communicate with the experts of whatever industry is being disrupted.

  • Find markets where much of the power is captured by an anti-innovation gatekeeper.

  • Look for technology in that market has not being keeping pace with technology in general.

    • Industries that don’t use the cloud.

    • Industries that have to insure against matters of fact.

    • Industries where there’s an arbitrary rule of man instead of rule of law keeping people out.

“It has to be 10x better because it’s so fundamentally disruptive to traditional business processes and if your solution is not exponentially better that what is currently provided, there’s no way large enterprise customers are going to adopt.” —Jeremy Gardner, Venture Capitalist, Blockchain Capital

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David Howie is the CEO and Founder of the Tellus Title Company, a blockchain real estate start-up. David began his career in real estate over 15 years ago and currently is on the Board of Directors of two other real estate firms in California.

At Tellus Title Company we have the right team, the right idea, at the right time. Innovation in the Real Estate Industry needs to start at the most basic level and from there it can ripple into the rest of the ecosystem.

This is why a tech company became a title company and developed the Tellus Blockchain Protocol. 


With the evolution of Blockchain technology, we are bringing the latest advancements in technology to the real estate industry.

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